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Spotlight on Worpswede

Worpswede: situated some 30kms north-east of Bremen in Lower Saxony, northern Germany, this delightful village is not only a thriving artists colony (about which more later) but also is home to the Music Hall. This is a venue to which people travel from as far afield as Hannover and Hamburg (and, of course, Bristol), to see concerts from bands on the European tour circuit as well as more local talent. It is not unusual to see Digitdoc's very own Steve Westaway (now based in Worpswede) supporting the likes of Toto's Steve Lukather and sharing the stage with Clem Clemson (Colosseum) and Chris Farlowe (Thunderbirds).
The Music Hall is run by a Commitee who all give their time and effort on a voluntary basis - their aims are to maintain the hall as a financially viable concern, make visiting artists feel as comfortable as possible during their stay and give the audience a good time. Having now returned from our third visit, I think it's safe to say that they're making a damn fine job of it!

Here are some some shots of the Music Hall and village (hover cursor over images for captions)...

Worpswede - gigs

4th & 5th March 2011: two shows to see this weekend.

First, on Friday night, the Adjiri Odametey Band from Ghana entertained the audience with some very laid-back African sounds which went down very well.

Saturday night was Errorhead - a German band who have a sound all of their own. Blues, rock, pop, jazz, funk, easy listening - no pigeon-hole for them. We were fortunate to be able to spend a couple of hours with them after the show in the Green Room, talking about the music industry in general and their hopes and aspirations in particular. Chris and Zacky, being drummers, talked about drumming (we think).

Errorhead is:
Marcus Deml - guitars and vocals;
Frank Itt - bass, loops and vocals;
Zacky Tsoukas - drums (and lightshow!);
Andrew Graeser - lead vocals.

Their extensive and informative website is well worth a visit - particularly for the guitar lovers as Marcus demonstrates a lot of his techniques, and believe me, he has a very unique sound. Click here to see the Errorhead site.

Here are a few shots of both gigs (hover cursor over images for captions)...

30th October 2009 : we had the pleasure of seeing three legendary musicians - Simon Phillips, Philippe Saisse and Pino Palladino as PSP in the first gig of their European tour (thank you for the great show guys). Here are a few shots of the gig (hover cursor over images for captions)...

Worpswede - Art

Worpswede's fame as an artists colony has its roots in the 1880s when quite by chance a young art student was invited to stay with a family there.

As its reputation for a particular clarity of light spread, the artist population grew and soon there were painters, sculptors, writers, poets, architects all settling in the village.

There are some 130 artists living in modern day Worpswede, producing a diverse range of artistic creations and making for some very interesting walks around the village.

As an example of the modern day artistic output, we have included some works by our friend Frankie Bergund - you can visit his website by clicking here.

Here are some shots of what you can see (hover cursor over images for captions)...

Worpswede - Dedication

This page is dedicated to all our friends over in Worpswede as a "thank you" from us for your friendship, hospitality and kindness, and for your ceaseless efforts in keeping live music alive in the Music Hall.

Special thanks to Steve Westaway for all his help when we visit, from meeting us at the airport to dropping us back for the return flight and everything in between.
Special thanks also to Uli, Elfi and Alex for putting up with us and looking after us so well during our all too short visits (maybe not too short for you though?).
And of course we must say a big thank you to Marion and Doris at the Music Hall too.
Then there's Suzie from Hamburg, all the other members of the Music Hall committee, Jorg the sound engineer (good luck with your next Living Colour tour!) and Raimond the mixer, all the other staff at the Music Hall, Frankie the artist, Lars who made such a great job of the Music Hall book, all Steve's session musicians that we've met and everybody else whose name currently escapes my feeble mind but who I will eventually remember and write down here.

Mark and Chris.



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