Domenico's Biography
Domenico Lombardo is a professional hotel manager and tour operator and currently owns and runs an Italian restaurant in Plieningen on the outskirts of Stuttgart, Germany. Originating from Sicily, Domenico's interests include horse-riding and of course music.
He has a love of all musical styles, and whether it be soft rock, hard rock, heavy metal, blues, folk or classical music, he has a desire to share it all with his fellow human beings.
Domenico's interest in music began in early childhood, and by eight years old he had already successfully participated in a children's festival and started his love affair with the guitar. There followed a couple of appearances on Italian television, and he soon began writing his own songs.
The restaurant being close to Stuttgart Airport, it is no surprise that Digitdoc's own Steve Payne would become a regular visitor when on his European tours. And it was inevitable that, as a result of their shared interest in music, Domenico would benefit from a few words of wisdom from the well-travelled troubadour at first hand.
This debut EP is the antipasto - we look forward to the primo and secondo, Domenico.